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NYC Local Law 97 | Premier 3M Window Films | New York | NY | MetroSolar | 1- 800-874-4017

Carbon Footprint Reduction with 3M Window Film

Via NYC Local Law 97, New York City has begun to mandate the carbon footprint reduction of large commercial buildings. Failure to comply will result in severe financial penalties levied by the city against the building. This new legislation is forcing building owners and other commercial property decision-makers to look beyond lighting and HVAC and to concentrate on envelope improvements.

The building envelope has been overlooked far too long. In most retro commissioning exercises, decision-makers address lighting and HVAC, yet fail to address the walls, windows, and roof of the structure.

3M™ sun control window film • Prestige series window film • Fasara™ decorative/privacy window film • Scotchshield™ security/safety window film • Solar shades